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If it becomes challenging to laugh due to the accumulation of yellow layers on teeth, apply this in 4 ways. You will see the difference in 7 days.

Teeth Whitening Remedies: Yellowing of teeth is like a nightmare for all of us. Everyone wants to have shining white teeth. If you are also looking for ways to brighten your teeth, we have brought an effective home remedy for you.                                                                    

Ways to whiten teeth: Appearance matters to many of us. Everyone wants to look attractive, whether we have white teeth or glowing skin. Nowadays, due to our unhealthy lifestyle, the yellowness of teeth looks very unsightly. In such a situation, many people get expensive treatment or teeth cleaning done to make their teeth shine and spend a lot of money to feel good, but natural ways can help in maintaining the shine of teeth. Bad yellow teeth cause cavities as well as bad breath. If you are looking for ways to get white teeth, we have brought an effective home remedy that can always keep your teeth clean and shiny.

Home Remedy To Whiten Yellow Teeth

The best way is natural, which you can do easily with 'Neem'. Studies have shown that Neem can do wonders for your teeth, as it has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Here are some ways Neem can help you keep your teeth healthy.

1. Neem leaves

It may surprise you, but these bitter-tasting leaves can help you kill plaque and tartar that build up in your gums, which are the root cause of bad breath.

2. Neem bark
You can chew neem bark for healthy teeth. It not only fights dental diseases but can also prevent cavities, one of the common dental problems faced by Indians today.

3. Neem decoction
This is one of the easy ways to keep teeth healthy. All you have to do is boil a bunch of neem leaves in water until it reduces to one-fourth. Gargle with this mixture for good breath and white teeth, as it kills the bacteria inside your mouth.

4. Neem Toothpaste
I think this may work best for your troubled dental health. Many types of natural toothpaste available in the market contain neem extract. For white teeth, you can clean your teeth with this toothpaste.


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