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Tuesday, 19 Sep 2023 14:30 pm
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News India

World Alzheimer's Day 2023 It is believed that memory weakens with increasing age, but these days, people start forgetting small things at an early age. Weakness of the brain is considered a symptom of Alzheimer's disease. World Alzheimer's Day is celebrated every year on 21 September to make people aware of this disease.

 World Alzheimer's Day 2023: Alzheimer's is a brain-related disease that weakens a person's memory. This disease can occur at any age. These days, people are increasingly becoming victims of depression, due to which there is a risk of getting Alzheimer's. 'World Alzheimer's Day' is celebrated every year on 21 September to make people aware of this disease. Due to Alzheimer's problem, memory starts decreasing. This is the initial symptom of this disease. To avoid this disease, take special care of your diet. To make your brain sharp, you can make some foods a part of your diet. Please let us know about those foods which will help you boost your memory.


To sharpen your brain, you must include blueberries in your diet. Nutrients are found in abundance in it. They are rich in many nutrients. It is also known as a superfood. Many nutrients, like iron, fibre, fatty acids, etc., are found in them. Blueberries are helpful in improving your memory.


Broccoli, rich in nutrients, helps in protecting from many health-related problems. It is a rich source of Vitamin K and is also rich in antioxidants, which are helpful in improving brain health.


To improve memory, you can include nuts in your diet. Vitamin E and healthy fats are found in them, which will enhance brain health. To sharpen the brain, one can eat walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios etc.


Oranges are rich in Vitamin C. It improves brain health. Eating oranges regularly reduces the risk of diseases like Alzheimer's. The properties present in orange are effective in providing relief from depression.


Eggs are very beneficial for health. These are rich sources of Vitamin B and choline, which promotes brain function. To sharpen your brain, you can eat a limited quantity of eggs in your diet.